Thursday, February 1, 2024

Astrological Benefits of Sapphire

 Sapphire, a gemstone prestigious for its staggering blue shades, has a place with the corundum mineral family, second just to jewels in hardness. Worshipped for a really long time, it represents intelligence, respectability, and heavenly blessing. While blue is the most predominant variety, sapphires can likewise grandstand a range from pink to yellow, known as "extravagant sapphires." The pearl's charm stretches out past its tasteful allure, as it has social importance in different practices.

Visit Now :- Astrological Benefits of Sapphire

Astrological Benefits of Emerald

 Ever since ancient times, emerald, which is also known as Panna ratan, has been regarded as a highly effective astrological gem in Vedic astrology. If you talk about classical Hindu literature, it says that emerald gemstone represents the small yet powerful planet Mercury (which is known as Budh in Hindi). Budh is said to bear a strong influence over the native’s life. Since emerald is associated with the planet Budh, it is sometimes denoted as Budh Ratna. Primarily, emerald is worn by the natives to strengthen the weakly placed Mercury (or Budh) in the horoscope and gain positive influences of Mercury in life.

Visit Now :- Astrological Benefits of Emerald

Monday, January 29, 2024

Pave Setting: Everything You Need To Know

 Have you ever thought about which gemstone blesses those born in May? Well, the May babies are blessed with the gorgeous green emerald as their traditional birthstone. During ancient times, the month of May was known as Maius, either because of the Roman goddess of growth or because of the Greek goddess of nursing mothers, both named Maia. You would be amazed to know that the Ancient Romans also celebrated Floralia, a festival honoring the goddess of flowers, Flora, in May. The May birthstone emerald has a rich history and meaning. Today, apart from discussing the history and meaning of emeralds, we will also discuss their properties and origin.

Visit Now :- Pave Setting: Everything You Need To Know

Customized May Birthstone Jewelry: Overview of Emerald

 Have you ever thought about which gemstone blesses those born in May? Well, the May babies are blessed with the gorgeous green emerald as their traditional birthstone. During ancient times, the month of May was known as Maius, either because of the Roman goddess of growth or because of the Greek goddess of nursing mothers, both named Maia. You would be amazed to know that the Ancient Romans also celebrated Floralia, a festival honoring the goddess of flowers, Flora, in May. The May birthstone emerald has a rich history and meaning. Today, apart from discussing the history and meaning of emeralds, we will also discuss their properties and origin.

Visit Now :- Overview of Emerald

Saturday, January 27, 2024

Customized June Birthstone Jewelry: Overview of Moonstone

The official June birthstone is none other than the beautiful moonstone. We will discuss the history, healing properties, physical characteristics, and allure of June birthstone, but first, let us go over some of the facts related to June.
June was known as Lunius or Junius in ancient Rome because it was named after Juno, the goddess of marriage, or the Latin iuniores meaning "youth.” The ancient festivals celebrated in the month of June included the Vestalia (in honor of the goddess of the heart Vesta for re-purifying Rome), Rosalia (festival of roses), and the summer solstice, which is the first day of summer.

Customized July Birthstone Jewelry: Overview of Ruby

 The radiant ruby is the July birthstone and it blesses all those born in the month of July. The bold red color of ruby matches July – as July is linked to light-heartedness, fun, and contentment. Have you ever thought about whom July was named after? Well, in 44 BC, it was named after the famous Roman dictator, Julius Caesar. Before this, the ancient Romans called the month of July “Quintilis,” meaning “fifth.” It was when March started the year, and July was the fifth month of the calendar.

Visit Now :- Customized July Birthstone Jewelry

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Customized April Birthstone Jewelry: Beauty of Herkimer Diamond

 You can consider those born in April as the luckiest of all. Why? Well, it's because the birthstone for April babies is the iconic Herkimer diamond, a well-known and popular gemstone in the world. Most probably, the month of April is named after the Latin word “aperire”, which can be roughly translated as “to open”. It is named so because flowers begin to open in the month of April. People in ancient times associated the month of April with the goddess Aphrodite (or Venus), the goddess of love, happy marriage, and fertility.

Visit Now :- Beauty of Herkimer Diamond

How to Utilize Tektite Jewelry for Maximum Benefits

  Tektite is a distinctive natural molten and foamy glass with an attractive gravel-shaped body, consisting of silicon dioxide and an amorph...