Saturday, January 27, 2024

Customized July Birthstone Jewelry: Overview of Ruby

 The radiant ruby is the July birthstone and it blesses all those born in the month of July. The bold red color of ruby matches July – as July is linked to light-heartedness, fun, and contentment. Have you ever thought about whom July was named after? Well, in 44 BC, it was named after the famous Roman dictator, Julius Caesar. Before this, the ancient Romans called the month of July “Quintilis,” meaning “fifth.” It was when March started the year, and July was the fifth month of the calendar.

Visit Now :- Customized July Birthstone Jewelry

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Customized April Birthstone Jewelry: Beauty of Herkimer Diamond

 You can consider those born in April as the luckiest of all. Why? Well, it's because the birthstone for April babies is the iconic Herkimer diamond, a well-known and popular gemstone in the world. Most probably, the month of April is named after the Latin word “aperire”, which can be roughly translated as “to open”. It is named so because flowers begin to open in the month of April. People in ancient times associated the month of April with the goddess Aphrodite (or Venus), the goddess of love, happy marriage, and fertility.

Visit Now :- Beauty of Herkimer Diamond

Customized August Birthstone Jewelry: Allure of Peridot

 The traditional August birthstone is the stunning peridot, a yellowish-green gemstone. Before we jump into discussing this beautiful August birthstone, let us get to know a few things about the month of August. This month was named after a Roman Emperor, Augustus Caesar in 8 BC, so as to commemorate his past triumphs during August. Prior to this month being called August, it was named “Sextilis,” which meant sixth, when the month of March began the year.

Visit Now :- Allure of Peridot

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

How To Create a Bezel Setting For A Cabochon Stone

 The bezel setting, particularly the round bezel setting, is the simplest method to set a stone. When cabochon gemstones are set correctly in a bezel setting, not only do they look clean and simple, but they also look elegant. If you are someone new to soldering or a beginner, the tutorial given below will help you make bezels and will guide you regarding how to set a stone in a bezel. In this step-by-step guide, we will also tell you the tools you require and the techniques you will use for setting a cabochon stone in a bezel setting. But first, let us discuss what is bezel setting.

Visit Now :- How To Create a Bezel Setting For A Cabochon Stone

Customized September Birthstone Jewelry: Magnificence of Lapis Lazuli

The September birthstone is Lapis Lazuli, a traditionally blue stone, sometimes with golden pyrite inclusions. This semi-precious gemstone has been a beloved and versatile jewel, having various meanings. We will discuss this September birthstone, but first, let us go over some of the facts about the month of September.

This month comes from the Latin word ‘septem’, meaning seven, because back in the day, September was the seventh month when the year used to start with March. September represents the beginning of autumn, harvesting crops, and a new school year. In today's times, September symbolizes service, self-reflection, and abundance.  

Visit Now :- Magnificence of Lapis Lazuli

Saturday, January 20, 2024

Customized October Birthstone Jewelry: Grandeur of Opal

 The traditional October birthstone for our October babies is none other than Opal. It is a unique gem with a diverse range of colors and optical effects. Similarly to September, the month of October is named from the Latin word “octo” which means “eight”. It has been named so because of its original place in the 10-month early Roman calendar. The Anglo-Saxons called the month of October as Winterfylleth, which means “winter full moon” because it was believed by them that winter began during October’s full moon.

One of the famous and interesting Roman October holidays was Mundus Patet.

Visit Now :- Grandeur of Opal

Friday, January 19, 2024

Customized November Birthstone Jewelry: Charm of Citrine

The gemstone designated as the November Birthstone is none other than citrine, a gem that radiates the autumnal colors of the November season. The name “November” has been derived from the Latin word “novem”, which means "nine”. This was so because back in the older Roman calendar, November was the ninth month.

In the month of November, the ancient Romans celebrated many festivals such as Ludi Plebeii (Plebeian Games), Brumalia (winter solstice festival), and Epulum Jovis (honoring Jupiter).

Visit Now :- Charm of Citrine


How to Utilize Tektite Jewelry for Maximum Benefits

  Tektite is a distinctive natural molten and foamy glass with an attractive gravel-shaped body, consisting of silicon dioxide and an amorph...